New Year's weather in Belek allows for walks, sports and outdoor picnics. Three quarters of the days are clear or variably cloudy. The sea temperature drops to +19, so not everyone will dare to swim. But, if a warm sunny day falls, there are still dozens of swimmers near the coast. Even if you are not a fan of cool water, then do not despair - you will not be left without water procedures. Most Belek hotels have heated seawater pools.
The weather in Belek for the new year accompanies walks along the picturesque promenade, cycling, hiking or visiting attractions. In winter, you can have a rest in Belek with the whole family. During this time, festivals and celebrations are held here. Therefore, there will be no time to be bored. In addition, you can always book your favorite excursions in Belek on the main page of the site. In winter, you will see more than in summer. At this time, you will calmly consider all the architectural monuments and interesting places, without wasting your time waiting in lines, as in the summer. 4
Relax with pleasure, at any time of the year. And we will make your vacation even brighter.