What to do in Bogazkent - Bogazkent is the best place for tourists who plan to spend their holidays with family and children. This is a young area that is starting to grow, so you can enjoy the picturesque nature of this amazing area. Bogazkent is a region surrounded by pine, eucalyptus and cypress gardens. The weather here is incredibly clean. The area is incredibly beautiful, you will have a great holiday here and you will feel comfortable and comfortable. It has the most important infrastructure and entertainment, including restaurants and cafes, bars, shops and grocery markets, a variety of water activities for children and adults, and the most interesting excursions in Bogazkent. Nightlife enthusiasts will have to go downtown as there are no night discos and noisy entertainment. But it's a big plus, because you can spend your day enjoying the silence and you can reach 15 minutes in nightclubs. The region's main natural attraction is the reserve "Bird Sanctuary" where about 168 species of birds in the hot season are watching into a real attraction for tourists who come with children to feed live, furry animals
What to do in Bogazkent, What to see around Bogazkent: go on excursions to Bogazkent, see the cities of Antalya, Belek, Side, the ruins of the ancient city of Aspendos - roman amphitheater, basilica, agos, racetrack, 13th century bridge and Necropolis, ruins of the ancient city of Perge, where the amphitheatre Classical music concerts, Bird Rye Reserve, beach with caretta-caretta turtles are held. And also be sure to visit our excursions from Bogazkent to diversify your holiday in Turkey.